Two summers ago I went to the Grand Canyon in Arizona with my grandparents. The Grand Canyon is a landmark. One day at the gift shop I spotted a pocket knife, but sadly it was a small one, so I did not get it. A few days later there was a big one that had my name on it. The wood was smooth and had a good grip. While walking back, my grandpa spotted this piece of wood. It was big, so we decided to use my pocket knife and carve our names in it. Happily, my dad carved them, so I did not get cut by the pocket knife. For my my sister's name and mine my dad carved the Colorado River because it looked like a S. Now this piece of wood stands in my living room. And when I look back at that piece of wood it reminds me of the Grand Canyon.
What is your favorite memory?
Do you have any memories that you have piece of wood from? If so where did you go?